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Timo Birth
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Ska-p was born as a group in 1994, so they formed it:
Pulpul, to the lead vocal and guitar
Toni Escobar, guitar and choirs
July, bass
Kogote, keyboards and choirs
Pako, drums
After a few months of rehearsals they record what is their first cd. called ska-p, where they already pointed the ways in their lyrics and music, which a few years later would make them very popular, but there was still time for that, they play in many places, for the expenses and little else, (Galicia, Almeria, Madrid , etc …) then they were not known just so many of their concerts were for small amounts of people and almost ignored, in that moment.

But a song of his begins to break out in Madrid: it was a song of support for Rayo Vallecano. The musicians of Ska-P are very close to the neighborhood of Vallekas, (although only some of its members live in it). In fact, the band always moves through the streets of this neighborhood and rehearses on it. This song for many ends up being a hymn and you start to hear a lot in almost all the bars of the neighborhood, little by little it is contagious to other gambling dens of the city, and more and more people are finding out that there is a group called Ska -P with very good lyrics that oppose the bullfights and political corruption; antimilitarist, antiracist letters, etc …

It is because of the opening of “Platero y Tu” , and “Extremoduro” (two of the biggest rock bands in those moments) when their popularity goes up another rung in Madrid, but they still had to pass a few more things before finally taking off.


His guitar soloist Toni Escobar leaves the group. At that time all worked and at night to rehearse the premises. In some cases it is very difficult to carry both; the expenses caused by playing in a group, receiving nothing or almost nothing in return, and caring for your family.

After trying several guitarists, they decided to keep one of the ones that appears there called Joxemi, originally from Larraga (Navarra). It was not technical everything that was sought in a group like Ska-P, but rather to feel that history as theirs and end up being one more.

It is also when it finally becomes part of the officially Pipi group that until then used to come out disguised in some songs and helped the group to load and unload the material, from now on it would have to work some performances, better elaborated, something that With his usual self-confidence and lack of shame it would not cost him much.

And the concert arrives that definitely and together with the release of their new album (June of the 96th) would place them in a position of privilege in the Iberian music scene: it is the 9th Vallekas Rock. From then on, they start talking about them as a band with an overwhelming live, catchy songs, and a guy who disguises himself and leaves no one indifferent.


This leads them to tour around the country playing in almost all parties and fat moves during the years 97 to 99. In passing they come to a call that came from the other side of the Pyrenees to participate in a festival and make a small tour of the south-west part of the neighboring country. They come without knowing what they will find: a crowd of French people in all their concerts, who know all the songs of the Band!.

The recording of “Eurosis” arrives, its 3rd CD, and they return to the road with hardly a month of relaxation … Once again they tour throughout Spain, and continue to consolidate more in France, they also make their first tour in Argentina, as a supporter of Attaque 77, with a concert to stand out in the Obras stadium before 4.OOO people more or less, and from there they go to Mexico … in total a month of playing for those two countries where they leave a very good impression. The latter country will return in just one year.

Pako, drums and founding member of Ska-P, leaves the band and Luismi enters as a new drummer. Old acquaintance of the group, integrates without problems. Soon they play again live. They also come to the call of Italy, to play at a festival (Arezzo Wave), where they go back to stone when they see that 10,000 people wait for them at the festival singing all their songs, and disappearing as soon as the band ends.


The time passes very fast if you do what you like, and above you do well. In the year 2000 they release a new CD called “Planeta Eskoria” , where they harden their sound and become a little more serious, within what is possible, in a band like Ska-P where humor and irony have an important place together to the most direct protest. The tours at this point are already spread across France, Italy, Switzerland and Spain. It seems that they are already a band that not only counts in the Spanish State, but they are already considered an international band. They play both in these countries and a few years before they did in Spain.

In the year 2002 they record their fifth album “Que corra la Voz”, perhaps the most complete album of the band, since they consider it a perfect mixture of the personality of the band. In this album you have everything … a lot of cane, a lot of fun, a lot of irony and well-curved lyrics.

The countries that are getting to know Ska-P are increasing and they make a great European tour, playing in countries like Hungary, Austria, Holland, Belgium and the previously mentioned ones. They also return to Latin America (Argentina, Chile and Mexico) taking a big surprise by the amount of people who come to their concerts.

In this last tour they decide to incorporate metals into the band choosing 2 drunkards from Bilbao that blow the same from the inside to the outside as from the inside. Gari, to the trombone, and Txikitín, to the trumpet. Without a doubt a success, are two people who fit perfectly in Ska-P.


He has just released his new CD live, called “INCONTROLABLE”, which in addition to having 16 songs recorded live throughout Europe, he accompanies a DVD with 13 songs recorded in Nion (Switzerland) and Paris (France). In addition all Video Clips of the band and images of the group in the last tour are incorporated.

Only a thorn that they can not extract from their hearts, they had planned to record also in Latin America, but due to health problems and time it could not be possible. So in December of 2004, they went to work on a new CD that they expected to record the following year.


A very, very ugly year.
Year in which the band decides to stop. Is it something definitive? They do not know it, but they needed to stop.
Unfortunately, the already composed songs would not be released (for now) precisely to be able to rest at ease, enjoy family and friends and do solo work.

No one in Ska-P thinks he will not return to the stage, although that may be the case. You had to let time go by.


It seems that the break comes to an end. Year of meetings and new CD, “Lagrimas y gozos” with themes like “Crimen Solicitationis” of which a videoclip is shot … who was going to tell us? …
Everything was the same again, and we even extended borders by visiting Russia and Poland for the first time, we went back to Europe and Latin America as if there were no tomorrow … and there was also a period of two years of silence and rest to regain strength for what will come…


This was our last CD to date “99%”, with Toni Lopez to the production and that we will be presenting in the next two years there where they call us…


The story continues. Ska-P prepares a new album…




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